To launch “You at the center of everything”, a campaign that leverages technology and innovation to highlight real customers’ journeys through an activation on the Exosphere – the exterior of Sphere in Las Vegas and the largest LED screen in the world.
The Exosphere activation shows 360 degrees of images of Nubank customers on the exterior of the venue – which is nearly 112 meters high and more than 157 meters wide. The faces are formed by purple particles, each of which represents one of Nubank’s 100 million customers. Together, they illustrate that Nubank is composed of all their individual stories.
Creative Team:
Nu Creative Hub (BRA, MEX, COL)

Creative Core Team: Alê Garcia, Lorena Costa, Laís Cantelli, Fernando Marar, Isadora Stevani, Felipe Pereira, Le Souza, Guilherme Falcão, Thiago Lara, Isabelle Devooght, Guilherme Gaggle
Marketing: Cadu Teixeira, Natália Harizan, Felipe DeLa Rosa, Juliana Roschel
Production Company: RISE

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